Rule of Law

If you want to destroy a society,
first you have to break the rule of law.
Change how judges are appointed,
and watch the dominoes begin to fall.

Say that the judges are all activists,
and give yourself power of judicial review.
You can destroy the power of the people,
and create a government for the few.

Say that you can’t be bound by any rules,
it’s a matter of simple sovereignty.
Break away from collaborative bodies
that are tasked with protecting democracy.

Say it imposes on your liberty
to be forced to respect human rights.
Your freedom is a form of tyranny,
and no one can question your might.

You won’t respect any rules
that protect the environment.
Corporations’ needs are societies wants
in your corrupted government.

The idea that workers have rights
is a threat to your order of things.
You say peasants should serve their lords,
and your ministers should act like kings.

Arrest those who express
they’re own opinion.
Make it the law that other’s
views are seen as sedition.

Denounce as traitors anyone who
threatens your supremacy.
It’s only might that makes right
in your demented vision of democracy.

Some people say this is all mad paranoia,
it can’t happen here, anyhow.
But it’s time for the sleepers to be woke.
It’s happening here. It’s happening now.